None the less Americans take time every March 17th to celebrate the Irish; if not the true facts of their homeland, at least we celebrate their marvelous sense of humor! Radio would never have gone anywhere without a sense of humor!
Parades are all well and good, but we think a better way to pass the time while we're waiting for the corned beef to boil is to listen to some free St Patricks radio shows to enjoy.
Remember when SPAM wasn't the bad stuff that got into your computer? SPAM never was a good thing (it isn't all that great boiled with cabbage and potatoes) but Hormel certainly brought us a load of fun with George Burns and Gracie Allen on St Patrick's Day. Most of the episode is dedicated to Gracie's romance with Artie Shaw, but there are some great stories about Gracie leading the Sta Patrick's Day Parade in New York. Well, not really leading... Gracie tells it better, even if it frustrates George!
"The Wearing of the Green" as performed by the Ted Weems Orchestra on Beat the Band. We'll follow that with a clip from Bob Hope's St. Patrick's Day monologue; be sure to listen for a reference to that famous Irishman, "Jack O'Benny" after a free lunch!
May the Road rise to meet you,
may the wind be always at your back.
May the Sun shine warm upon your face,
and May you always enjoy old time radio!
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